by kiernana | Artful Living, Contemporary Art
In your deepest self lives a well filled with your truest essence where purity and innocence resides. It entices you into quiet surrender, beckoning you to ride the magical waves into the inner regions of the Essential Self where you can remember the creative gifts your birth agreed to carry into this world.
The process of discovering this well filled with love and imagination is nothing short of enlightening, for your greatest joy and fulfillment resides there. For many adults, this ‘luminous child’ within has been long forgotten, but it awaits patiently for its time of reunion. In this way, the heart of the child meets the wisdom inherent in all of life. Destiny calls you now—it is time to accept your birthright, drink from this well of luminosity, and hold dear the treasure of your original magnificent self.
When Destiny Calls—The well of luminosity expands, offering a band of light to guide your way in. Surrounded by colours of passion, love, creativity, healing, enlightenment and a universal love of everything sentient. Misted with an iridescent violet for a touch of higher vision—this piece encourages you to answer the inner call and let your true self to shine.
“We have fallen into the place
where everything is music.
The strumming and the flute notes
rise into the atmosphere,
and even if the whole world’s harp should burn up there will still be hidden instruments playing.
This singing art is a seam foam.
The graceful movements come from a pearl
somewhere on the ocean floor.
Poems reach up like spindrift
and the edge of driftwood along the beach, wanting.
They derive
From a slow and powerful root
that we cannot see.
Stop the words now.
Open the window in the center of your chest,
and let the spirits fly in and out.”
~ Rumi

When Destiny Calls
Acrylic Abstraction on Gallery Wood Panel, 11″ x 14″ SOLD
by kiernana | Artful Living, Contemporary Art
Grandfather Wisdom is the elder who carries time with him. He understands that all of life is made up of archetypal patterns, and that these impressions are imprinted in our hopes, dreams, intentions and self-knowing. What is important to know is that these patterns change with the advancement and evolution of Earth and all of the galaxies. But, Grandfather Wisdom, our Time Keeper, patiently watches over all sentient life birthed from Grandmother’s Sacred Womb, protecting us all the while.
Time Keeper is a powerful healing presence. He gracefully dances with infinity, with roots sure and strong in the ground, symbolizing the shift you are undergoing in relation to your own personal power. The masculine principle within yourself is rebalancing at this time, making you open to receive Grandfather’s Sacred Knowledge, which resides within your heart.
Time Keeper—with 60+ layers, helps us align to a higher order of personal authority and integrity. It’s dynamic fiery energy helps us to dance with life, build anew with strength while balancing wisdom and power with love and acceptance. See with an inner eye—the male and female united by a rose.
“This is the night of union,
when the stars scatter their rice over us.
The sky is excited.
Venus cannot stop singing the little songs she is making up.
Pisces is stirring milky dust from the ocean floor.
Jupiter rides his horse over to Saturn,
Old man, jump up behind me. The juice is coming back.
Think of something happy to shout as we go.
Mars washes his bloody sword, and puts it up,
and starts building things,
The Aquarian jar fills,
and the virgin pours from it generously.
It is finally time to learn how the sky is a leans to look through.”
~ Rumi

Acrylic Abstraction on Gallery Wood Panel, 30″ x 30″
Click here to request purchase information
Copyright 2016, Kiernan Antares, All Rights Reserved
by kiernana | Artful Living, Contemporary Art, Poetry
One of the ultimate mysteries of creation is the life force contained with a seed. When planting a garden we cover the seed with rich soil in order to allow it to gestate. Soon, it blossoms into a triumphant plant, bursting forth from the ground and reaching upward to the sky. The metaphor of the seed is applicable to every aspect of our lives; the seed of knowledge, the seed of truth, the seed of consciousness and on. This piece has powerful healing properties symbolized by its pure, white bursts of light, which embody the seed and the power of transformation as they blossom out of the dark earth. They are elixirs helping one find inner resources, such as courage and strength, for overcoming self-destructive patterns and emotional dependencies that undermine self-confidence. True liberation may follow, as the soul gives rise to the luminous purity of the essential self, reborn.
Mysteries of Creation—with close to 40 layers, became a meditative process inspiring me to create awareness of the beauty of being true to ourselves and casting aside doubts that only serve to keep us living small. The use of lines create added depth and dimension—represent our many aspects and layers of growth. ‘Go boldly forth!’ this piece says.
Come, Great Mystery, come
I breathe in
your tendrils
of light
and love cracks open
a space
for soul to speak.
I would be the sky
I would be the wind
the sun, the ground
to lift you higher, and
grow you stronger.
I am calling you.
Live the breathings
of your heart
with surety and fortitude
that others may gather their presence
and illuminate the invisible
embrace of beauty.
~ Kiernan Antares

Mysteries of Creation
Acrylic Abstraction on Gallery Wood Panel, 24″ x 24″
Click here to request purchase information
Copyright 2016, Kiernan Antares, All Rights Reserved
by kiernana | Artful Living, Contemporary Art
In the Light of Love went through numerous layers and filled with many nuances, marks, scratches and texturing. When it began I was really loving the colours and where it was heading, then it all went to ruin. More layers, texture, colour… again I experienced the up and then down, from happy to ruin. Then again. I kept at it though, and finally when I was about to wave the white flag, I felt compelled to go ahead and complete it… In the darkness, In the Light of Love appeared. There’s something that speaks to the soul of life and I very much felt the influence of the recent events in Paris at work.
It is my hope that we, as humanity, rise above the triggers to judge and hate, to see a bigger picture and remain, In the Light of Love.
“Why are you still hidden?
Say openly where and who we are,
you, grace and content of the seen and unseen,
you, this exuberant confusio
What kind of love is this
where the heart’s eloquence and the way it is heard
keep explaining again
how the whole ocean makes a single pearl?”
~ Rumi

In the Light of Love
Acrylic Abstraction on Canvas, 20″ x 16″
by kiernana | Artful Living, Contemporary Art
Here’s the fourth and final abstract painting I did while in France for the month of August.
This one changed significantly through a few layers, with each one I experimented; what will happen if I do this? And then, this?
I began with water and Earth, as I did with each painting, connecting to the land. Then added a first bit of colour… Then, gentle additions…
Well, then I added another layer and the colours, that began as vibrant turne
d somewhat dull. Obviously, a warm clashed with a cool to make this muddyish mix. I felt like I was stirring the proverbial pot!
So, what was I to do? I chilled for a bit and felt into my heart. I contemplated where I was at that day; how I was feeling, what was I experiencing, and what wanted to be expressed.
This trip wasn’t all peaches and cream. There were some really tough moments mixed in. I had quite a significant setback physically during our travels to France, and what came with it was some very tender emotions, frustrations and feeling broken. There were indeed moments of overwhelm.
Paul was experiencing his own challenges;his Achilles inflamed again, enou
gh that he sacrificed running in a few races of the World Master’s Championships and cheered on his athletes instead. I know it was hard for him to be on the sidelines.
We had a couple of iffy moments, but we’ve developed a level of communication (while sometimes a bit shaky) and trust that have always served to get us through whatever trials we face together, and this trip was no different. I think we’ve proved to each other that we can be counted on, that we never let each other down when it counts, and that ultimately there is a great deal of love and respect.
So, I felt into Love, and I looked with Love, at Love.
I began to see a couple of hazy shapes and I outlined them very loosely, and they became like these Angel Lovers. I did not want to get hung up on design and definition as I’ve been yearning to be free of perfectionism, so I left them in this very abstract state.
At first, I felt embarrassed with the painting. I didn’t want anyone to see it. But, as I took it up to our room in the chateau and laid it next to the others, I developed a fondness for it, and dare I say it, I could imagine framing it and seeing it on a wall. The next thing I knew I was in love with it.
A couple of hours later, off we went to see a castle. It was on the top of a very steep winding hill I didn’t know how I was going to manage, but I didn’t want to wait at the bottom while the others went up without me. So, I reached out to Paul and he held strong, pulling me along side him the whole way up.
I didn’t care one bit how hard it was for him or me because all there was, was Love. When I saw this photo, it seemed like destiny for the painting I finished earlier to be called ‘Illuminated Hearts’. Even though we look tired and strained I can also see our hearts radiating vibrantly just like in the painting.
This piece would be perfect for anyone wanting to attract a soul partner or to celebrate an existing unconditionally loving relationship.
“Oh Beloved,
take me.
Liberate my soul.
Fill me with your love and
release me from the two worlds.
If I set my heart on anything but you
let fire burn me from inside.
Oh Beloved,
take away what I want.
Take away what I do.
Take away what I need.
Take away everything
that takes me from you.”
~ Rumi

~ Illuminated Hearts by Kiernan Antares ~
Abstraction on Canvas Paper, 12″ x 16″