Stop waiting for Friday…

Stop waiting for Friday…

“We must wake up to the marvelous reality of life.

We must begin to live fully and truly, every moment of our daily lives.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh, You Are Here


I think this is something we all hope to experience, to be and do – living fully every day.

I’m getting there more and more and more…

But, I think it’s required me to let go of more and more and more… anguish, guilt, frustration, anger, disappointments, holding on to things so trivial that end up taking up way too much space.

The more I practice forgiveness and choose love instead, the more I find an inner happiness building solid grounding.

There’s more to it though. Since following my vision, which I’ve turned into a passion project, and completed the first phase; the Toronto Painting Revealed life is opening and expanding.

And, two things are happening:

  1. My confidence in following my impulses and ideas are growing and these are creating some really cool opportunities and experiences, which has in turn…
  2. Allowed me to realize that good things happen and bad things happen, it is the natural order of things, but when we’re living the joy of following our heart’s desires and serving something that is greater than us, that is true fulfillment. It comes from inside, feeling good about what we’re doing without expectations, and is not dependent on what is happening around us.

Letting go of the fruits of our efforts leads to trusting more, being more, and living more fully.

Have you become a slave to finding happiness?

Have you become a slave to finding happiness?

“When you have an idea that is making you suffer, you should let go of it, even (or perhaps especially) if it is an idea about your own happiness…

Perhaps you [too] are the prisoner of your own notion of happiness. There are thousands of paths that lead to happiness, but you have accepted only one. You have not considered other paths because you think that yours is the only one that leads to happiness. You have followed this path with all your might, and so the other paths, the thousands of others, have remained closed to you.

We should be free to experience the happiness that just comes to us without our having to seek it. If you are a free person, happiness can come over you just like that! Look at the moon. It travels in the sky completely free, and this freedom produces beauty and happiness. I am convinced that happiness is not possible unless it is based on freedom. If you are a free woman, if you are a free man, you will enjoy happiness. But if you are a slave, even if only the slave of an idea, happiness will be very difficult for you to achieve. That is why you should cultivate freedom, including freedom from your own concepts and ideas.”

- Thich Nhat Hanh, You Are Here

World-renowned Zen monk, poet, and peace activist

Perhaps you are the prisoner of your own notion of happiness… ? ? ?

Whoa! Really. Interesting. Intriguing.

When I read this, it hit home. We seek happiness. We strive for happiness. We change ourselves for happiness. We work to find happiness.

In our tunnel vision, for the definition of happiness that we have set for ourselves… is it possible it is already there?

Inside? All around?

In the breath, in the moment, in a walk, in a stretch, in a nap, in cooking, in organizing, in being, and in acceptance.

In the embrace instead of denial or disowning.

Is it possible that in our defining what happiness is, we miss out?

I know that when I’m in the midst of striving to find happiness, it becomes not only elusive, but I become cranky and unappreciative… wait a minute. This seems wrong, doesn’t it?

But, when I let go and simply enjoy every NOW moment, not defining things, letting go of attachment to what I think or want things to look like, I am happy. I am more relaxed and at peace.

Hmmm… it makes me smile and it makes me want to be with it and contemplate it.

Photo is today’s work-in-progress

The mantra every artist must adopt…

The mantra every artist must adopt…

“Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread

beyond all boundaries.”

~ Corita Kent

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks here, between finishing up my Toronto painting and preparing a reveal and getting word from Art Fusion Galleries in Miami that they selected seven of my pieces for the January – March ‘Everchanging Spectrums’ Exhibition – yay exciting news! But then I had to deal with getting them all packaged up and shipped off – all in the midst of not feeling well.

I’m happy to report the unwell feeling has finally passed! Yay again! I’m feeling so much better and happy to say the art shipment is now on it’s way to Miami – whoo hoo!

Now… in all of this I posted the photo of the group of paintings selected by the gallery on Facebook, thinking this is pretty cool news. Then, I see one of the comments posted by a ‘friend’ who has been a fan of my art, or so I thought. He had the gumption to write that people who like this kind of stuff are weird and he much preferred my earlier works.

Thick skin. Thick skin. Thick skin.

Develop. Thick. Skin.

Became a mantra.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Artist’s need to develop thick skin and shrug off comments such as this – if you want to stay positive and committed to sharing art that you pour your heart and soul into – it’s a must mantra to live by.

In my earlier days as an artist, all I wanted was to create beauty to heal my heart, body and mind. Then, when I felt full enough I turned to abstract which freed me to paint what I was feeling – in all the crazy glory and angst – no holds barred and true to my body and spirit.

They might not necessarily be beautiful – but they are real, and raw, and messy, and alive – as life should be lived.

Live the story you want to tell…

Live the story you want to tell…

“The Buddha and Jesus taught exactly the same thing: you create a beautiful life by creating fertile conditions, not by asking for anything. In my own words, what I hear them saying is this: You can have anything you want – why, you can have things you don’t know you want – but not by focusing on them. Instead put your undivided attention on your connection with the vibrant presence of the Divine within, and your life will change.”


~ Janet Conner

Author, The Lotus and the Lily

Last year I completed Janet Conner’s 30-Day Soul Writing Program in the Lotus and the Lily and it was so very powerful and life affirming. It brought home to me a depth and focus that has carried me through this year.

This is the basis of it:

There are thirty experiences, one each day. The first twenty-eight are divided into four week-long explorations:

Week 1 Prepare – step into your natural spiritual power, set your intention, and create your own ritual and prayer

Week 2: Look Back – uncover all the gifts in the life you’ve created to date

Week 3: Create Space – make room for the new by releasing and forgiving the old

Week 4: Look forward – identify what you want in alignment with your soul’s desires

After twenty-eight days of rich exploration, you will spend Day 29 setting up your Soul Day. And then, on Day 30, you will give yourself something precious – a day alone with your soul.”

~ Janet Conner, The Lotus and the Lily

What it helped me do was get out of my head and my ‘thoughts’ of my life and life’s work, and helped me to receive a wonderful vision of what I am creating through my art and writing.

And, because I had this foundation as my North Star, I’ve been able, in a more focused and intentional way, to take the next real steps in creating a body of work that comes from a calling that serves something greater than me.

I sat down with her book this week to decide if I would do the full program once again this year, to close out the year and refocus for 2017.

Three pages in and that was it… decision made.

In particular, the aha moment that sunk in was that it’s not really the thing we want, it’s the feeling behind it that we crave. And, that when we live in alignment with that feeling, which has nothing to do with resisting life, but instead understand that how we live, whether from fearful or loving thoughts and beliefs creates the conditions of our lives, then we can consciously choose love over fear, in every moment.

And, that when we live with love as our core driving force, the conditions of our life will organically become that of Beauty. Every moment dictates the next. Am I expressing love or fear? Am I living love or fear? Am I reacting with love or fear?  The more we can move into living and being love with every opportunity that comes our way… the more Beauty we experience.

So, off I went to search for a beautiful journal to inspire me and this is the one that seemed to seemed to have something to say to me. It is the one that wanted to be a part of my intention setting for 2017…

Gorgeous, isn’t it?

Here’s to living from the heart and soul… and, living the story you want to tell…



A little bit shaken and a little bit stirred…

A little bit shaken and a little bit stirred…

“Love is the vital core of the soul.

And of all you see, only love is infinite.”

~ Rumi

A quick update, my friends. I had been feeling off for a couple of weeks and Saturday I ended up going to emergency. I’m so grateful for the kind and compassionate doctor who looked after me and I was able to go home the same day. But it’s kind of taken the wind out of me. I’ve been mostly home recuperating and unplugging since then.

I have to admit, while it wasn’t serious, it was enough of an event to realize that there are some things that need to become more of a priority with my health – in body, mind and heart. More ways in which LOVE must lead the way.

I find times that when the ground beneath me trembles and quakes, it stirs a powerful elixir of healing and deeper gratitude to be alive. It shines a light on a pathway home to the heart.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Sometimes it’s a hit, and sometimes it’s a miss…

Sometimes it’s a hit, and sometimes it’s a miss…

“Come out here where the roses have opened.

Let soul and world meet.”

~ Rumi

It’s not all sugar and spice and everything nice. Nope.

Sometimes nothing works. The question hanging in the air… do I scrap it and begin again, or keep at it, hoping for the flash of genius that ties it all together?

The photo in the post is a work-in-progress detail shot – of a second piece I started up, when the first one was going deeper and deeper into the ugly phase, and I had to switch things up.

I kind of like the play on colours in this close-up. Sadly though, not so much in the over all piece.

Why oh why did this song suddenly pop into my head… maybe we all needed a little pick me up… Enjoy!