“It is the addition of strangeness to beauty that constitutes the romantic character of art.”
~ Walter Pater
It’s been a while since I’ve painted some smaller works, so I decided to do a series with flowers as my inspiration, as I am wildly passionate about them and have been itching to give it a go all summer.
I prepped four panels and then painted on a base colour to start off the backgrounds. I was just following what the brush seemed to want to do – not thinking.
But, when I wanted to get the flowers started my muse seemed to abandon me. I couldn’t feel it. I drew a blank in body, palette knife, and mind.
I studied the panels… and I studied the panels. Nothing. It wasn’t happening.
So, I had to regroup and feel into it.
I looked at the patterns in the base and let them guide the process. What happened next was extraordinary.
Following the path of ease, flow and excitement my palette knife took over and led the way.

“Today isn’t any other day, you know.”
~ Lewis Carroll
It wasn’t just that the piece painted itself… it energized me! Well, actually three pieces back to back – energized me!
I had mouth surgery last week and have been in recuperation mode mostly. Bursts of energy but short lived. Mostly, I’ve felt lazy and tired.
But these energizing pieces brought me back to life – it felt incredibly healing actually and lifted my sagging spirits!
If I had to say why, I’d say it was because I gave over to playfulness and ease.
“Artists of all stripe tend to equate difficulty with virtue and ease with slumming. We do not lean into our ease and enjoy the ride of our gift… If we do not practice the joy of using our talents where they fall easily, we rob ourselves of self-expression.”
~ Julie Cameron
I can wholeheartedly say, YES to this!
There are times when I paint tuning into the emotion and energy boiling deep inside. It’s a cathartic release.
And, there are times to paint from playfulness, and to just say, “Hi, Art!”