Will you join my passion project?

Will you join my passion project?

A BIG ASK for all my TORONTO FRIENDS! Will you help me?

I am a born and raised Torontonian. It’s a great place to live and has even been rated one of the best cities in the world.

I am also a socially conscious abstract artist and I pour my heart and soul into my paintings. Art and writing have literally saved me and they make up a huge aspect of my dharma or my sacred calling.

My experiences with my art and life have brought me to this moment.

This flash of inspiration that I knew was mine to act on.

You see, I’m on a mission to bring light, beauty, peace and harmony to the world through art, and I figure the best place to begin to effect social change is right here in my home city, Toronto.

This city has been the ground beneath my feet, it’s alive with creative energy and I want to create a painting that celebrates this bountiful presence of our city and its place in the world.

I want to pour my hopes and dreams into how it can grow into an even more evolved place to live. A city that leads the way in putting people first and proving that there is strength in diversity and creative thinking.

And, I want YOUR HELP in creating this piece!

I would so love to hear what YOU think is awesome about Toronto or YOUR HOPES and DREAMS for our city!

So, will you say YES? Will you join me in this passion project? Click here to learn more about how you can add your voice to my Toronto Passion Project!

If you’d like, you can also share the word, feeling, or short inspiring story, poem or quote that comes to mind when thinking about Toronto in a comment below. You can make it as long or as short as you want.

Submissions received by October 5th at 8pm EST will be gathered together and incorporated into the painting as energy infused through prayer and paint onto a work of art to celebrate our fair city.

I do hope that you’ll feel INSPIRED to INSPIRE!

With love and appreciation,

Kiernan xo

P.S. By submitting your comments you agree to release any claim to copyright on the finished artwork and acknowledge that © Copyright 2016 belongs to Kiernan Antares. All rights reserved.