Over the Causeway (and almost down the rabbit hole)
I had thought that working on this painting would be among the easiest ones I would do because Nova Scotia, and particularly Cape Breton, have always held special meaning to me.
Boy was I wrong on that! This piece has ended up taking me months to do, with several stops and starts and scraping over to begin again.
I’ll also admit that while doing some further research once the piece was finally done, I got distracted while stumbling onto a Cape Breton website that listed our family name in the geneology section.
I had done a geneology search a couple of years ago and traced my father’s side back from Cape Breton to the early 1700’s in Normandy, France, but here I was again… get further information.
Then I also got so absorbed in the great information that’s become available on Cape Breton and the even smaller island my dad is from, Isle Madame. Photos and videos… so cool.
Anyway, come on over and check out my Over the Causeway Canada Series painting page to see more about this piece.
Here’s a sweet video about Isle Madame…