Cardinals, Robins and the Heart of the Canadian Rockies
“This piece of heaven that I’ve found
Rocky Mountains and black fertile ground
Everything I need beneath that big blue sky
Doesn’t matter where I go
This place will always be my home
Yeah I’ve been Alberta Bound for all my life
And I’ll be Alberta Bound until I die.”~ Paul Brandt
Oh to let something bigger than you to run your life… to surrender the fight with the mind’s designs… and greet the day with a new song.
Walking, watching, listening… having conversations with the project and with my creator.
A bright light appears. Brighter than what the mind can imagine. I test the waters… see how it feels…
Discovering that maybe I’m not who I thought I was, who I became as a young one. Maybe that’s not entirely true. Maybe I am who I thought I was, but I pushed it down… buried it, then sealed it shut with what is not love.
Because LOVE is a magical elixir healing absolutely everything. Where does the LOVE come from?
Everyday when I walk, the sing song of the cardinals and red-breasted robins attune my ears, and at night as I lay my head down their sweetness fills me.
AND, I live in wonder at this thing… this pull in my heart.